Our Story About the Regeneration of the Fighting Spirit Prospek FK Unpas 2021

Our Story About the Regeneration of the Fighting Spirit Prospek FK Unpas 2021

Euphoria occurs every year when new students start their first steps in college. The same thing happened to new students of FK UNPAS, they took part in the 2021 Study Program and Campus Introduction (PROSPEK) activities before entering the world of lectures. This euphoria is not just mere excitement and pleasure, but has many meanings in its reception. This PROSPEK activity is a routine annual event based on the Guide to Introduction to Campus Life for New Students 2021 and the Circular of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number: 0387/E/TM.02.00/2021. This activity was initially carried out face-to-face, however, now it has changed to online via the zoom platform due to the Covid 19 Pandemic still hitting Indonesia. However, this will not change its purpose, essence or meaning. As stated by the Chief Executive of PROSPECT, Mohammad Dafa Gifari, “Even though it is limited to meet face-to-face, the development of the times only demands who wants to adapt faster. The transfer of delivery media does not mean that the orientation activity is just a mere formality, but its purpose, meaning, and essence are still upheld and maintained. As is the case with Prospect 2021, we don’t just provide assignments, materials, and so on, but we collaborate on various series of orientation activities. It’s a health issue that must be campaigned with an action, and Alhamdulillah all of that can be carried out successfully for the first time at PROSPEK FK UNPAS, this is because of the seriousness of the committee and also the involvement of the 2021 New Students. ”

PROSPEK FK UNPAS This year it will be held for 4 days, 11, 12, 18, and 19 September 2021 with the theme “Regeneration of the Fighting Spirit,” which means that a new student as a candidate for the next generation must continue to fight from now until later and tirelessly full of fighting spirit. On the first day of the prospect opening, September 4, 2021, it was warmly welcomed, with the presence of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Pasundan University, Chairman of the Pasundan Paguyuban Foundation, as well as the Dean, Deputy Dean, all lecturers and students of FK UNPAS. After the opening, the series of activities started from the presentation of Thalassemia disease issues, social projects, sharing sessions, introduction to the organization in FK UNPAS, introduction to UKM, introduction to the Vision and Mission of FK UNPAS, academic system, curriculum, learning methods, learning simulations with ice breaking interspersed with each activity. This adds to the excitement and closeness between new students. At the end of the event there were offerings from the committee to new students and also from new students to the committee.

The harmonization between the spirit of the new students and all the committees succeeded in acculturating the atmosphere of fighting spirit. The sense of fighting to be able to overcome all doubts also gives color to the character and soul of the new students of FK UNPAS. As stated by one of the new students, Soni Ragil, “I learned many things from this prospect, more able to understand the meaning of struggle and many inspirational stories from the presenters who motivated me to be better”. thereby proving that all objectives in this year’s FK UNPAS Prospect activity were carried out and conveyed well.

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