Vision, Mission, Goals and Target


To become a Doctor Education Study Program with a national reputation that produces professional doctors who have the advantages of being religious (religious), jembar Budaya (upholding cultural values), luhung elmuna (competent, creative, and innovative), and able to improve public health status through community empowerment in Indonesia year 2030


  1.  Organizing quality competency-based undergraduate medical and medical professional education with excellence in the promotive and preventive fields,
  2. Conducting research in all fields of health and medicine by prioritizing research in the field of public health,
  3. Implement and play an active role in community service by optimizing the potential that sustainably exists in the community,
  4. Integrating Sundanese values ​​and Islamic values ​​in the life of the academic community.

Goals & Objective

Goals 1

A study program that produces doctors who are able to work professionally with excellence in the field of Public Health based on Sundanese and Islamic values ​​and are able to adapt to local wisdom by utilizing global technology.

1. The realization of education in medical study programs with excellence in Public Health and based on
latest technology.
2. The realization of a holistic and comprehensive curriculum for undergraduate medicine and the medical profession.
3. The realization of doctors who are nationally competitive with Sundanese & Islamic characters.
4. The realization of the Medical Education Study Program which is the community’s favorite/choice.
5. The achievement of the role of the Medical Education Study Program in contributing to solving public health problems.
6. The realization of stakeholder satisfaction.

Goals 2

Produce medical research that is efficient and effective in the community as a form of community service.

1. Utilization of study centers in the field of science and community health empowerment.
2. Realization of funding support in the field of research and community service.
3. Achievement of competitive research grants.
4. Achieving the quantity and quality of publications that are utilized.
5. The achievement of transformation of research results into education and community service.
6. Implementation of community service activities that are beneficial to the community.

Goals 3

Implement good governance and learning atmosphere, based on Sundanese and Islamic values.

1. Achievement of excellent management of the Medical Education Study Program and management of the education system by utilizing information technology.
2. The achievement of sustainable quality assurance.
3. Achievement of academic health system.
4. The achievement of lecturers and education staff of the Medical Education Study Program with high qualifications.
5. Achieving a just remuneration system.
6. Achieving an accountable and transparent financial system.
7. The achievement of financial management independence.
8. Achieving multi-source revenue.
9. Implementation of Sundanese and Islamic values ​​in academic governance.
10. Achieving strategic partnerships