Vision and Mission


Becoming a Faculty of Medicine with a national reputation with excellence in community empowerment in the health sector that carries the spirit of entrepreneurship and identity of Islamic and Sundanese values in 2030.


1. Organizing quality medical education that is recognized nationally with excellence in community empowerment in the health sector through promotive and preventive efforts with a collaborative and student-centered learning system.
2. Conducting research that has an impact on improving the health status of the community and has a value for empowerment that is recognized nationally.
3. Carry out community service based on community needs in order to improve health status.
4. Integrating the implementation of education, research and community service that is valued for innovation and empowerment in order to improve the degree of public health.
5. Maintain, preserve and develop Islamic and Sundanese values in the academic community.
6. Build a spirit of innovation by exploring new opportunities and expanding partnership networks as an effort to embody the spirit of entrepreneurship.


Doctors who are able to contribute in providing solutions to public health problems through independent and sustainable empowerment by upholding the value of Islam and Sundanese in the form of SAHAM:

S: Someah (Friendly)
A: Akhlakul Karimah (Noble Morals)
H: Handap Asor (Respect and Tolerant)
A: Asah-Asuh-Asih (Education, Love and Care)
M: Motekar (Creative, Resilient and Innovative)

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