Unpas Resolves ORI Anti-Drug College Volunteer Declaration

Unpas Resolves ORI Anti-Drug College Volunteer Declaration

Universitas Pasundan Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom (Right) and Chairman of PB Paguyuban Pasundan who is also Chair of the PKKMB Senate for the 2020/2021 academic year, Prof. Dr. HM. Didi Turmudzi MSi (Left) shows the ORI award certificate at the Trans Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung, Thursday (1/10/2020).

Universitas Pasundan (Pasundan), broke the Original Rekor Indonesia (ORI) for the most participants of the Anti-Drug College Volunteer Declaration which was held on Sunday (1/9/2019) at Sabuga Jalan Tamansari No.73, Bandung City.

The ORI certificate was given by the Deputy Director of Narcotics for the Eradication of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) RI Brigadier General Pol Victor J. Lasut, to the General Chairperson of the Paguyuban Pasundan Executive Board Prof. Dr. HM. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si, chairman of the West Java Anti-Drug College Volunteer Alliance (Artipena) as well as Unpas Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp M.Si,. M.Kom, Vice Chancellor III UNPAS as initiator of Dr. Deden Ramdan, M.Si, and BNN West Java.

“It’s amazing, from the target of 3500 participants who are targeted to become volunteers, it turns out that there are already 4200 participants, so the Anti-Drug College Volunteer Declaration and ORI Record-breaking by Unpas have been legally implemented,” explained Pol Brigadier General Victor J. Lasut after giving the award at the same place.

Brigadier General Pol. Victor also hopes that this event can be a motivation to live healthier and free from drugs. Especially for Unpas students who carry out their studies well, excel at the national and international levels

“Every June 26th is celebrated as an anti-drug worldwide, hopefully on the next 26 June Unpas will receive an award from the president as a campus that is highly committed to anti-drugs,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Paguyuban Pasundan, Prof. Dr. HM. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si, said that this anti-drug declaration activity was a contribution to fighting drugs that were rampant and dangerous.

“By reading this declaration, it is not only a statement, but also we need to have the ability to handle and be stronger. We believe that if there is an integration effort from the community, government, universities and others, it can reduce drug abuse. Don’t let it appear again after being eradicated, “he said.

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