Unpas Ready to Implement “Independent Campus” Program

Unpas Ready to Implement “Independent Campus” Program

Universitas Pasundan Bandung is slap to implement the “Independent Campus” and “Free Learning” programs launched by the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim. The program includes the opening of a new study program (prodi), 3 semester internship students, and a study program outside the study program.

“Yes, Unpas is ready,” said Unpas Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom in his statement to Unpas Media, Thursday, February 6, 2020.

The “Free Campus” and “Free Learning” programs, according to the Unpas Chancellor, were in principle in order to open up insights, ideas and ideas that college graduates do not have to be researchers, therefore Minister Nadiem’s ​​policy with “Independent Campus” and “Independent Learning “is being given freedom.

Students who are in the academic profession pathway may take enough credits at the campus concerned, but for those who think again that after finishing college they must be able to create jobs or work, then the opportunity to do an internship is an enrichment.

“They will be rewarded for their SKS. So far, the SKS for apprenticeship work is considered very small. That’s why there is now a change, those who stay for 3 semesters, once they return to campus their SKS will be recognized properly, including those who take other study programs, “said Prof. Eddy Jusuf.

If abroad, explained the Rector of Unpas, many have crossed study programs, for example, those who have finished their Ph.D in economics then took a Ph.D in law. It doesn’t matter.

“In Indonesia, Mendikbud Nadiem Makarim has an idea, study program A students can take non-linear study programs, because the Mendikbud approach, I think, that there is no problem solved in this world by only one discipline. It can be zigzagged, it may not be linear, “said Prof. Eddy Jusuf.

The Chancellor emphasized that Unpas is also ready to open new study programs (prodi) as the Minister of Education and Culture has authorized PTN and PTS chancellors to open new study programs. Unpas will form a team. Unpas will open a new study program whose students if they graduate in the next 4 years are still updated, still needed by the community.

“Unpas is ready with a new study program, of course with a study, because if the absorption capacity is below 80% (the demand is low), the study program will be closed directly by the minister when there are complaints from the public or the number of students after 4 years has actually decreased. However, if the graduates are directly absorbed by the job market or create their own jobs, it will continue, “said the Rector of Unpas.

The Chancellor gave an example, the study program that is currently in demand is the E-Commerce or E-Business study program, because now all of us are in the IoT (Internet of Things) era, all digital-based. B to B (Business to Business), B to C (Business to Customers) or C to C (Customers to Customers) relationships are digital based. Therefore, Unpas will open a new study program that is always updated, especially when technological developments in the future will be more extensive.

Regarding the curriculum that must be changed because there is a 3 semester learning program, Unpas will see if there is a curriculum that is out of date. If there is a curriculum that cannot accommodate technological developments and market developments, it will be revitalized. For example, Marketing Management, is now starting to include digital-based content so that it becomes Digital Marketing, E-Business, E-Trading, E-Commerce, because marketing is a living science all the time.

“In this case, it is not changing courses but revitalizing them with additions that are adjusted to the times. What is clear is Unpas slap. For example, with a new study program, namely collaboration between Industrial Engineering, Economics and Business, Information Engineering and Business Administration. On the other hand, maybe later there will be a new study program called E-Government so that we can open a new study program called State Administration, so that we can open a new study program, for example E-Government, because it will include regulations concerning birocratic reform. “Said Prof. Eddy Jusuf.

Program “Independent Campus”

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim gave freedom to universities to create new study programs. He also asked universities to collaborate with various institutions. “We want to collaborate or it can be called a ‘mass wedding’. What is a mass marriage? Mass marriages between universities and various parties outside the university to create new study programs, “said Nadiem at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Friday (24/1/2020).

Nadiem explained that this policy could only be carried out by universities that had A and B accreditations. In addition, the university must already have cooperation with world-class companies.

“For universities that have A and B accreditations, there is no need to go through the licensing process for study programs at the Ministry, no longer need to be matched with clusters.

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