Unpas Chancellor Receives Award from Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN)

Unpas Chancellor Receives Award from Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN)

Universitas Pasundan Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom (Center) Friday Morning 26 June 2020 received an award from Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) submitted by Dr. Ir. Dewi Sartika, M.Sc., Assistant Pemerintahan, Hukum dan Kesejahteraan Sosial Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat (on behalf of the Governor of West Java), along with the Head of the West Java Province BNN, Drs. Sufyan Syarif, MH., At Gedung Sate Bandung, at the commemoration of International Anti-Narcotics Day (HANI). The event was attended by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of West Java, the Director of the West Java Police for Drugs, representatives of the West Java Attorney General’s Office and representatives of the Siliwangi Military Command.

The presentation of this award was also witnessed virtually by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Maruf Amin, who led a virtual HANI commemoration at the national level, attended by the Head of BNN, Drs. Heru Winarko, SH., Minister of PAN-RB Cahyo Kumolo, and also attended virtually by regional heads throughout Indonesia.

Universitas Pasundan Chancellor is the only Rector in West Java who received the award. He was given an award by the BNN which was signed by the Head of the BNN, Drs. Heru Winarko, SH for the action of Prevention, Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking (P4GN) through the establishment of an Anti-Narcotics Task Force / Volunteers totaling 4,273 people (students) and the compilation of P4GN Material Integration Policy into Educational Activities, Research, Community Service and Socialization of Urine Tests Periodically at Pasundan University. ***

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