Universitas Pasundan Successfully Achieves “A” (Excellent) Accreditation from BAN-PT

Universitas Pasundan Successfully Achieves “A” (Excellent) Accreditation from BAN-PT

Universitas Pasundan Successfully Achieves “A” (Excellent) Accreditat Alhamdulillah, Universitas Pasundan Bandung has succeeded in achieving “A” (Excellent) accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). The results of the accreditation were announced by BAN-PT through its website since Friday evening, December 28 2018. The certificate has also been issued by BAN-PT which is valid for 5 years. Then, the Chancellor of Universitas Pasundan Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Sc., M.Kom shared the good news to the whole Universitas Pasundan family, including at the peak of the 58th Anniversary of Universitas Pasundan, Saturday, December 29 2018.

Universitas Pasundan received a visitation of 4 assessors for 2 days, 17 and 18 December 2018. The four assessors who visited Unpas consisted of Prof. Dr. Ing. Mulyadi Bur (Andalas University), Prof. Dr. Indra Maipita, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D (Medan State University), Prof. Dr. Made Sudarna, SE., MM., Ak (Brawijaya University Malang) and Dr. Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata, SH., M.Hum (Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta).

They were accepted by Unpas Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom, Head of YPT Pasundan Dr. H. Makbul Mansyur, M.Sc., Chairman of the YPT Pasundan Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. HM. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si, Deans, Heads of Departments / Study Programs, and Heads of Institutions and other Unpas ranks.

On the first day, the four assessors attended the opening ceremony of the Unpas APT (Higher Education Accreditation) in the Mandala Saba Oto Iskandar hall in Nata, Campus IV Unpas Jl. Setiabudhi 193 Bandung, which was also attended by the Head of LL Dikti West Java and Banten Prof. Dr. H. Uman Suherman, M.Pd. That day continued with a small discussion in the rector’s meeting room and a campus tour. The second day, Tuesday 18 December 2018, discussion and data synchronization from Standard I to Standard 7.

In front of the assessors, the Head of LL Dikti West Java Prof. Dr. H. Uman Suherman emphasized that Unpas was included in the storefronts of universities in West Java and Banten. “Of the 486 private universities in West Java and Banten, Unpas is our pride in LL Dikti,” said Prof. Uman. Unpas was built on the basis of love for higher education so that it became what it is today.

He said, if during the 2018 new student admissions there were many universities where the number of new students decreased, then only Unpas had no less number of new students. Likewise regarding the professors, in other universities they are confused about professors, but in Unpas there are most professors in West Java and Banten.

“2 Times Prostrate While Crying”

Unpas Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom expressed his joy at the “A” (Excellent) accreditation from BAN-PT with prostration of gratitude. This was done in front of 4 assessors, after the closing of the visitation on Tuesday, December 18 2018 in the Unpas Rector’s meeting room, Campus IV Jl. Setiabudhi 193 Bandung. At that time, the four assessors provided recommendations for the future development of Unpas and government tasks through BAN-PT had been implemented.

“Often I do prostration gratitude, but prostrate gratitude while crying (ngagukguk – Sundanese) only twice in my life, namely during the open session of S3 in Unpad with cum laude results in 1997 and at the age of 64 years and eight months I again prostrated in gratitude while ngagukguk at in front of the assessors and the PIC Unpas team as the pinnacle of compassion for the pride of Unpas and Paguyuban Pasundan, faizza ‘azamta fatawakkal Allalloh Innalloha muhibbul mutawakilliin, “said the Chancellor in front of the Unpas extended family, after the Casual Walk event at the Bandung Traffic Park. The event was the closing of a series of Unpas 58th Anniversary events which were also marked by giving awards to lecturers / employees who had served for 20 and 30 years, productive writers at Unpas Media in 2018, outstanding students, winners and distribution of prizes in the form of 10 motorbikes. , a number of bicycles and a number of electronic goods.

The success of Unpas in obtaining an A (Excellent) accreditation score became a hot topic at the peak activities of the 58th Anniversary, as conveyed by the General Chairperson of PB Paguyuban Pasundan, Prof. Dr. H.M. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si, in his remarks before the implementation of the distribution of prizes for participants on a leisurely walk.

“Of course we have to give thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala,” said Prof. Didi. For this reason, all stakeholders and their subordinates must continue to optimize work, so that the achievements that have been achieved can increase.

The Chancellor of Unpas said that we should feel happy and proud, but of course we should not be complacent, because the challenges we will face for the next future will be even tougher. We have been waiting for two years to achieve this A grade and thank God, this year we have succeeded, ”he said.

In connection with the success of Unpas above, Prof. Eddy Jusuf expressed his gratitude to the core team and the support team, to lecturers and staff from lower to upper levels who have worked hard side by side. Allion from BAN-PT parties contributed to the success of Unpas.

Prof. said. Eddy Jusuf, in West Java and Banten there are 478 private universities. Now, there are four private universities that have managed to get an A, including Unpas. About that, Prof. Eddy said it with a Sundanese expression, “asa bucat boil”. That is, feel relieved after going through a tiring struggle.

Prof. Eddy, who served as Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Private Higher Education (APTISI) West Java and Banten in previous times often received encouragement from the Chairperson of the LL Dikti Jawa – Banten, Prof. Dr. H. Uman Suherman, M.Pd to achieve “A” accreditation.

“Now it is answered, and I feel weak. At the end of 2018, we only need three days of rest. On January 2, 2019, we must start improving our performance because Unpas has launched an international ranking academic community that carries Sundanese and Islamic values ​​in 2021, for this reason, every study program in Unpas will be encouraged for international level accreditation, “he said.

He also said that many Unpas findings had been registered in the HAKI (Intellectual Property Rights) institution. Henceforth, we must try to reduce the results of these studies, so that they can be directly used by the community, “said Prof. Eddy Jusuf. This is part of the embodiment of the Unpas program as a water tower that provides benefits to many people.

The Chancellor of Unpas emphasized that Unpas is now starting to enter its 59th year which must be able to place itself in the era of digitalization, technology and humanization. These three things must be balanced. Because, continued Prof. Eddy Jusuf, digitalization and technology without humanization in the end will not provide benefits for life. (TS, KN, DB) ***

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