The Effects of Cold Air on the Body and How to Deal with It

The Effects of Cold Air on the Body and How to Deal with It

BANDUNG, – Lately, the air temperature in the Bandung area and its surroundings has felt very cold, even the lowest temperature has reached 14 degrees Celsius. What is the cause? The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the cause of this cold air temperature is the Australia monsoon wind. The wind brought cold air from the Australia Continent.

According to BMKG, cold air temperatures usually occur in July or enter the dry season and are expected to end at the end of the dry season. Cold air can have an impact on the health of the body.

“When the body is exposed to cold air, the body will respond as a normal process to retain heat by narrowing the blood vessels (vasoconstriction) of the skin throughout the body and the formation of heat (thermogenesis) through the process of shivering,” said a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Division of Physiology, Pasundan University, dr. Marwan Rosada, M. Biomed, Thursday (18/7/2024).

Cold Air Effect
Dr.. Marwan explained that the effect of cold air on the body depends on the temperature of the air and the length of exposure. Exposure to cold temperatures can cause a variety of conditions, including:

Decrease in body temperature

Exposure to cold air can cause a decrease in body temperature, this process occurs due to the loss of body heat and narrowing of blood vessels, especially in extremity areas (such as the legs and hands), as a result of which the feet and hands feel colder. The risk of hypothermia can also occur if exposed to extreme or prolonged cold temperatures, hypothermia is a condition in which the body temperature is below normal (< 35°C). Dry Skin Cold air tends to have low humidity, this causes the skin to lose its moisture content so that the skin is more prone to dryness, in addition to direct exposure to cold wind can remove the oil barrier on the skin and make the skin feel stiffer and cracked. Cold air can cause blood vessels in the airways to narrow, which can make breathing feel more difficult. Low humidity can also cause the airways to become dry and irritated. Diseases That Lurk When It's Cold According to him, cold air can also increase the risk of several diseases. Here are some diseases that often appear due to cold air temperatures: Influenza: Influenza is not a disease that is directly caused by cold temperatures, but the virus that causes the common cold (cold) spreads more easily in winter, colder weather allows the virus to survive longer in the air. Other viruses such as rhinoviruses are also more common in winter. Allergic rhinitis: or "allergic cold" is a condition in which a person experiences symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, itching in the nose and eyes, caused by an allergic reaction. Cold air can trigger certain reactions in some individuals who are sensitive to temperature changes. Asthma: People with asthma often experience relapses during the winter because cold, dry air can trigger relapses. Urticaria: Cold temperatures can worsen the condition of eczema (atopic dermatitis). Skin that is already sensitive causes urticaria in the form of a rash that feels itchy and looks elevated on the skin. Tips for Staying Healthy in the Cold Weather Dr.. Marwan also gave tips to stay healthy in the midst of cold weather, namely: Wearing warm clothes can maintain body temperature by lowering the rate of heat dissipation. The parts of the body that often lose body heat are the head, hands, and feet. Consumption of warm food and drinks Keeping the air humid indoors: humidifiers in the house can help keep the air humid Exercise: Exercising can help improve blood circulation, this can help increase overall body temperature, exercise can also maintain heart health. WHO (World Health Organization) recommends 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity every week to maintain general body health Get enough rest: Adequate and quality sleep can boost the immune system. Using moisturizer regularly can protect the skin from cold air and prevent the onset of dry skin. Multivitamin consumption: in addition to helping the body stay hydrated, multivitamins are able to maintain the immune system Vaccination: By getting the influenza vaccine, the risk of getting the flu can be reduced. (Rani)

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