The Paguyuban Pasundan Executive Board in collaboration with the Bandung City Health Office and the Universitas Pasundan Faculty of Medicine again held a Covid 19 vaccination on Saturday (13/3/2021) at the Paguyuban Pasundan Building on Sumatra Street No. 41, Bandung City.
The Head of the Covid 19 Task Force for the Pasundan Association and the Management of the Unpas Medical Faculty, Trias Nugrahadi, dr., SpKN (K), said that the Covid 19 vaccination event was held by Paguyuban Pasundan and driven by the Unpas Medical Faculty which has been held twice as a form of service to community, where previously FK Unpas also distributed masks.
“This activity is also in collaboration with the Bandung City Health Office, where we took the initiative to propose and provide a place and human resources that are already ready,” he explained.

Currently, Trias continued, vaccination targets are the elderly and public servants, in this case including lecturers because they interact with many people more often even though the learning process is online.
“This activity is the Paguyuban Pasundan effort to assist the government in accelerating Covid 19 vaccination as well as a form of service by FK Unpas which, although it has only been established for two years, is able to participate in concrete steps,” he explained.
Previously on Saturday (6/3/2021) Paguyuban Pasundan had vaccinated 40 people and today there are 60 people, bringing the total to 100 people.
“Next Saturday, it is possible to do more vaccinations. We hope that after the lecturers are vaccinated, students and employees will continue to do so. The number of participants is limited to provide comfort and avoid crowds. Apart from prevention through vaccination, we also maintain the 3M health program, “he said.
The Deputy Dean III of FISIP Unpas, Drs. H.R Sumardhani, M.Si, who was also vaccinated today, added that vaccination is an effort made by the government together with PB Paguyuban Pasundan to prevent the transmission of Covid 19.
“I hope that after the lecturers, staff and students will also be vaccinated, I hope that vaccination will also make people understand more about health,” he added.
Sumardani hopes that with the success of vaccination, conditions will run normally as before, including in the teaching and learning process on campus.
“We have been online for more than one year, of course, from students and lecturers there is a feeling of boredom, hopefully with vaccination, this pandemic can be resolved soon so that Covid 19 will disappear in the country as well as in the world,” he hoped.
The Vice Rector I Unpas, Prof. Dr. H. Jaja Suteja, SE., M.Sc., CFRM, DBA., Expressed his gratitude to FK Unpas for making maximum efforts in vaccination activities to protect Paguyuban Pasundan in particular and Indonesia in general.
“This vaccination is a program of the Government and the world of education fully supports it, hopefully this will be an effort so that Covid 19 will be over quickly,” he said.
The Vice Rector I Unpas, Prof. Dr. H. Jaja Suteja, SE., M.Sc., CFRM, DBA., Expressed his gratitude to FK Unpas for making maximum efforts in vaccination activities to protect Paguyuban Pasundan in particular and Indonesia in general.
“This vaccination is a program of the Government and the world of education fully supports it, hopefully this will be an effort so that Covid 19 will be over quickly,” he said.

Prof. Jaja hopes that with the completion of the pandemic, it is hoped that the world of education can run in a normal position in learning.
“Students already want to be on site, but we obey the regulations so that there are no new clusters. Hopefully the pandemic will pass quickly and of course we will support the government’s program in covid 19 vaccination, “he concluded. (tiwi)
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