Is it true that jogging can relieve stress? FK Unpas Lecturer Reveals the Facts

Is it true that jogging can relieve stress? FK Unpas Lecturer Reveals the Facts

BANDUNG, — Jogging is one of the easiest aerobic sports to do every day. Just like other physical sports activities, if done in the right dosage, jogging will have an effect. Namely increasing dopamine and reducing cortisol.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Pasundan University, Dr. Sandy Armandha Adianto Djojosugito, Sp.OT, M.Kes., AIFO explained that increasing dopamine will have quite a positive effect on a person’s mood, feelings of satisfaction, joy, enthusiasm and so on.

“Jogging to relieve stress, I think it’s possible. But like a fight or flight mechanism. My suggestion is to relieve stress, it is best to solve the source of the stress problem (fight). “This is because if you just switch to another activity to forget about the flight for a moment, the stress will come back,” he explained.

He said that jogging has benefits if done regularly and balanced with adequate nutrition and adequate rest. The benefits are a decrease in fat mass, strengthening the muscles that accommodate jogging activities such as calf muscles, thigh muscles, pelvic muscles and diaphragm muscles, increasing the hormone dopamine, which can help mood.

“Other things besides body physiology are being able to form new communities, making yourself disciplined in exercising, and also being able to change your appearance to be better and more confident,” he explained.

Jogging Duration for Beginners
Dr. Sandy suggests that for beginners, jogging should be done once a day. Because the body needs time to rest to regenerate cells and energy. As for the week, at least for beginners it is recommended to jog at least twice a week for 30-40 minutes.

“When the body can adapt, then progressively or gradually, the frequency can be increased to 3-4 times a week. “The target can be changed to the distance traveled,” he said.

However, he suggested taking time to recover. Because if you do it often enough (every day) and for a long time, such as if the target is too far away or for too long, the risk of injury will arise.

“Basically, jogging can be done at any time, but if asked about the preferred time, I suggest in the morning. At this time the weather is not too hot. Jogging can be done outside the sports track, such as on public roads, when traffic is still not busy in the morning. “So pollution levels are still low, so it’s good enough to breathe air when jogging,” he said. (Rani)

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