Inauguration of the Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Inauguration of the Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan Bandung was inaugurated by the Chairperson of the Pasundan Association who is also the Supervisory Board of the Pasundan Higher Education Foundation, Prof. Dr. HM. Didi Turmudzi accompanied by Unpas Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom at the event at the Mandala Saba auditorium dr. Djoendjoenan, Unpas Postgraduate Campus Jl. Sumatra 41 Bandung, Monday 2 December 2019.

At the inauguration, Prof. Didi Turmudzi and Unpas Rector accompanied by the Head of LL Dikti Region IV West Java-Banten Prof. Dr. H. Uman Suherman, M.Pd., Vice Rector II, Prof. Padjadjaran University dr. Arief S. Kartasasmita, Sp.M. (K) M.Kes., Ph.D., and the Head of the Pasundan Higher Education Foundation Dr. H. Makbul Mansyur, M.Si.

At the same event, Unpas Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp, M.Si., M.Kom inaugurated the leadership of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan consisting of Prof. Dr. Dedi Rachmadi, dr., Sp.A (K). M.Kes. as Dean, dr. Ike Rostikawari Husen, M.Kes. as Deputy Dean I and concurrently the Head of the Bachelor of Medicine Study Program, dr. Alma Lucyati, M.Kes., M.Si., MH Kes. as Deputy Dean II, and dr. Trias Nugrahadi, Sp.KN (K) as Deputy Dean III.

The ranks of the FK Unpas leadership were listed in the Unpas Rector’s Decree which was read by the Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. H. Jaja Suteja, M.Si, while the Decree of the Menristek Dikti on the establishment of FK Unpas was read by the Vice Rector II, Dr. Yudi Garnida, MS.

Currently, the first batch of students from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung are 50 people, of the total number of applicants is 90 people. They were present at the inauguration ceremony, together with the lecturers and staff of the Faculty of Medicine Unpas. Also present were the Deans and the extended family of Universitas Pasundan

“Long wait”

The wait was long and tiring. That was said by the Chairman of PB Paguyuban Pasundan, Prof. Dr. H.M. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si. when delivering a speech. The Head of Paguyuban Pasundan said, FK Unpas had actually started its academic activities since the beginning of the semester. However, the inauguration has only taken place now. “A few months ago, we just received the SK from Kemenristek Dikti,” said Prof. Didi in front of the Universitas Pasundan family and guests.

Why is it said that the wait is long, said Prof. Didi, who for two periods was the Rector of Unpas, because Unpas steps to establish the FK had started long ago, namely during the leadership of the Chancellor Prof. H. Muchtar Affandi. At that time a team had been formed to carry out an assessment. “But in the end it ran aground, because it could not meet the requirements. Then it started again when I became Unpas Rector. This has not been successful either, “he said.

It was only in 2019 that Unpas succeeded in establishing a Medical Faculty. Prof. Didi conveyed this wish directly to President Jokowi when he was concerned with making a gathering to the Paguyuban Pasundan. “I conveyed to the President, East Java has more medical faculties, while West Java has a larger population but only five Medical Faculties,” he said again. “It turned out that the President’s welcome was very good, which was followed by the next steps.”

The relevance of Unpas which is under the auspices of Paguyuban Pasundan with the establishment of FK is very strong. In the past, 106 years ago, Paguyuban Pasundan was founded by STOVIA or medical school students. Paguyuban Pasundan was founded with the aim of enhancing the dignity of the Indonesian people, among others, by fighting ignorance and poverty. Therefore, since its inception, Paguyuban Pasundan has been active in community economic activities, namely the establishment of the Pasundan Central Bank. Then in 1922 he established an educational institution which has been growing until now. These educational institutions have produced many national figures.

Prof. Didi expressed his gratitude for the opening of FK Unpas. “This is the result of our hard work. Thank you to Mrs. Alma Lucyati who has been so persistent in fighting for the establishment of this medical faculty, “he said again. The Head of Paguyuban Pasundan hopes that next year FK Unpas can achieve B accreditation, and in the next five years it will reach an A.

Meanwhile, in his earliest remarks, Unpas Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Jusuf Sp., M.Si., M.Kom. mentioned that when he was still the Vice Rector I Unpas, there had been hard efforts from the Unpas Rector, namely Prof. Didi Turmudzi, to establish the Anesthesia Study Program. “But after quite a while, and the requirements have been completed, it turns out that it is not allowed, because it is said that anesthesia will be a course at the Faculty of Medicine.”

In 2016 it was then loaded again to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. It didn’t work, because a moratorium was being carried out. “While waiting, we continue to complete the facilities and human resources. In 2017 it was opened again, but in fact it was only limited to Eastern Indonesia and Banten. However, we are not discouraged, 2019 will be loaded again, and thank God it is

the results, “said Prof. Eddy Jusuf. He said, the opening of FK Unpas was inseparable from the assistance and guidance of the Unpad Rector. For that, the Unpas Chancellor expressed his gratitude to the Rector of Padjadjaran University.

After the decree from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education was received, Unpas immediately opened registration. Of the 90 applicants, only 50 were accepted. Hopefully FK Unpas will produce professional and competent doctors to help improve public health. In this connection, cooperation with various parties is required. Likewise with LL Dikti, who for his encouragement, Unpas expressed his gratitude.

On that occasion, remarks were given to the Unpad Rector who was represented by Vice Rector II. He said, Unpad was grateful that West Java had a new FK again. Studying in FK is unique, different from other faculties. FK does not mean only the result, but also the extent to which it benefits the health of the surrounding community.

“That’s why I always tell every new student, if you study at the Faculty of Medicine, then half of your life is in the community,” said Prof. Arief Kartasasmita.

He also said that what was called a teaching hospital to support the Faculty of Medicine was non-negotiable, and had to be there from the beginning when new students entered.

The presence of FK Unpas makes Unpad feel happy, because it will be able to work together in an effort to improve the health of the people of West Java, which has a population of nearly 50 million.

The Vice Dean II of Unpad said that the newly appointed Dean and Vice Deans are a very good team. “I believe that the team will be able to bring FK Unpas to be one of the best in Indonesia.”

A similar hope was conveyed by the Head of LL Dikti. “For a superior and proud campus like Unpas, it feels incomplete if there is no FK,” said Prof. Uman Suherman. What has become a kind of homework for the new faculty at Unpas is to improve public health, especially efforts to instill the importance of maintaining health. “It must begin with a healthy lifestyle, both physically and spiritually,” he said.

Prof. Uman hopes that FK Unpas graduates can achieve the criteria of implementing, delaying, and studying. This is in accordance with the life motto of cageur, bageur, bener, pinter, singer, and wanter. *** (TS)

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