
Pasundan University as a private university located in the capital of West Java Province has been around for almost 60 years. The existence of this university cannot be separated from the parent organization, Paguyuban Pasundan, which has also existed in Indonesia more than a century ago. During this fairly mature age, Pasundan University has taken many steps in the field of education to educate the nation’s life within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, Pasundan University has stepped into the international world and is taking an active role in the era of globalization.
The Master Plan for Development (RIP) of Universitas Pasundan 2003 – 2021 (revised) explicitly states to develop a new faculty. This is stated in Chapter IV, Academic Sector, Strategic Goal No. 6, namely: Development of study programs vertically, horizontally and new faculties (Faculty of Medicine). The development of the new faculty in the field of medicine has certainly become a shared vision and commitment of institutions and stakeholders that need to be realized.
An interesting thing is that some of the founders of Unpas, according to the history of the institution’s establishment, were medical students at that time. The establishment and development of FK Unpas after 60 years of existence is a necessity. The existence of the Faculty of Medicine has been the ideals of the founders and successors.
RIP Unpas 2003 – 2021 has been followed up by the Unpas Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021. In the Strategic Plan it is stated that Unpas management plans to establish FK Unpas in 2020 to anticipate market demand and participate actively in improving public health. Since 2012, the Higher Education Foundation (YPT) Pasundan has had the idea to pioneer the establishment of FK. This was then followed up with a follow-up meeting to prepare for the construction of facilities for the establishment of the Medical Faculty UNPAS in 2016. Furthermore, in 2017, YPT Pasundan approved the UNPAS Chancellor’s proposal to add the Medical Faculty study program. One of the wishes and aspirations of Unpas is to fulfill the needs of community services and also to actively participate in improving health status so that in 2019, the plan is realized by preparing all the needs for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine.
Improving the health status of the community is the main goal of the existence of health services. Both are in an order called the health system. The health system is all efforts aimed at improving health status. Functions in the health system include: health services, resource providers, health financing and stewardship. An understanding of the health system is very important for positioning the role of the Faculty of Medicine in the existing system.
The function of health services is supported by the function of providing resources. This is where the role of Universities, in this case FK plays a role. The role of the institution can be as a producer of human resources (doctors) so that the function of health services can run well, able to improve the health status of the community. Therefore, the function of health services in the National Health System is a strategic orientation in the development of FK Unpas as a producer of human resources and knowledge which is the core of the service.
On the other hand, the progress of knowledge and technology is meaningless without the values, spirit and spirit of humanity that uphold virtue. Unpas has long developed the noble values ​​of Sundanese and Islamic in producing human resources in various fields of science. The mission which is the basis and content of the development of science and technology is also expected to color the fields of medical and health sciences. Furthermore, HR products with science and technology can be applied in health services that can improve health status.
Science and technology and Sundanese as well as Islam are universal values ​​that can be accepted globally. The development of human resources who have qualified science and technology with Sundanese and Islamic values ​​through the development of FK can of course fill the needs of the health system in various countries. Thus, the community’s need for the health status referred to above can then develop globally, in accordance with Unpas’ Vision and Mission.
Currently the world has entered the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. where technology has developed with different characteristics than the previous era. Internet of things, information technology and digitalization have changed the face of human life in the world. Some human jobs have been replaced by Artificial Intelligence and robots, including in the field of medicine. Big Data will be a huge and valuable potential in predictive medicine and public health in general. Blockchain will become a daily practice in the health care system and even the world of universities.

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