
Universitas Pasundan (Unpas) with a long history, which was founded in 1960 as a General Education College, which is currently supported by 40 (Forty) Study Programs and 17 (Seventeen) of them have A (Excellent) accreditation and in 2018 have achieved A university accredited A (Excellent) based on the results of the assessment of Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) with SK No.484 / SK / BANPT / Akred / PT / XII / 2018 dated December 28, 2018.

The rapid progress achieved is the main reason why Universitas Pasundan is very worthy to open a new study program, namely the medical study program. The birth of a new study program (Medical Study Program) provides benefits for institutions to increase the existence of Unpas and strengthen synergy between study programs that already exist in Unpas. More than that, for Unpas Higher Education as part of the implementation of the vision of the organization that founded Unpas, namely Paguyuban Pasundan, an existing non-governmental organization on a Sundanese background, founded by Medical Students (STOVIA) 105 years ago. This activity will later collaborate with the Regional and Regional Leaders of Paguyuban Pasundan, especially in terms of primary services in underdeveloped, frontier, and outer regions of Indonesia (Remote Area in Indonesia).

Thus, the presence of a medical study program within Unpas is expected to be able to produce doctors whose graduates are able to meet the need for the right to health in Indonesia. Health problems in Indonesia need to be resolved comprehensively (Preventive-Promotive-Curative-Rehabilitative), Holistic (Bio-Psycho-Social) and Integrative between the health fields and outside of health. In current conditions, with the development of Industry 4.0 which almost entirely uses technology, it is necessary to increase the degree of health which must be accompanied by increased welfare and independence.

Health problems in the environment of West Java Province are seen from the demographic conditions, the people of West Java are socioeconomically at a low grade, the level of education is not too high, there are many health myths and the use of traditional methods including for treatment, as well as high levels of consumption of tobacco products. In addition, West Java, where Universitas Pasundan is located is the province with the largest population in Indonesia, current data shows West Java is a province with an area of ​​35,377.76 km2 and is predicted to have a population of 48.6 million in 2018. Of that number. A total of 33.16 million people in West Java are of productive age (aged 15-64 years) and 15.52 million people are of age

unproductive (0-14 Years and 65+ Years). This figure is based on the 2013 projection of Indonesia’s population growth by the Development Planning Agency, the Central Statistics Agency and the United Population Fund.

A number of surveys that have been conducted show that many areas in West Java Province have limited health resources, ranging from health human resources (especially doctors), health facilities, minimal access to information, and basic infrastructure. Hence, the degree increases

public health requires breakthroughs and innovations from individuals who have a high entrepreneurial spirit, collaboration between professions such as through strengthening the role of existing human resources (nurses, midwives, etc.), the use of technology and advances in the digital era to overcome geographical barriers and the availability of human resources, as well as good wisdom in terms of culture and religion in order to produce acceptable interventions and be able to nourish the community.