Hello “Hectic to be energetic with Leadership and Organization”

Hello “Hectic to be energetic with Leadership and Organization”

Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Pasundan Student Family Association held a webinar Hello: “Hectic to be Energetic with Leadership and Organization” on August 1, 2020 online via the Zoom platform. The webinar was attended by speakers, FK Unpas IKM Management, FK Unpas Dean and Deputy, and several invited FK Unpas academics. The background and objectives of this webinar are in accordance with what was explained by the head of the committee, Alif Fajri Lukmanulhakim, “The 2019 batch of FK Unpas students are the first batch so that they get information and experience in organizations, both quality and quantity, far from optimal or even maximum. Therefore, the 2019 batch of FK Unpas students need to be equipped with insights about leadership and organization “. After a speech from the chief executive, Deputy Dean III of FK Unpas, dr. Trias Nugrahadi Sp.KN (K) as well as one of the webinar speakers, gave a speech. After that, the webinar was opened by the Dean of FK Unpas, Prof. Dr. Dedi Rachmadi Sjambas, dr. Sp.A (K), M.Kes. He said, “Medical students must take advantage of campus facilities, both academic and organizational. Even though we are tired when we go to college, organization sometimes becomes our energy. Have a good shine everyone ”.

The speakers who attended were highly competent speakers, both in terms of experience and knowledge, especially if it was related to the webinar theme, namely leadership and organization. The first speaker, dr. Trias Nugrahadi Sp.KN (K), presented the topic of Leadership. “Being a leader is a big responsibility, decision makers in various decisions are a must. So, prepare yourself to be a ready leader through this HELO webinar, ”he said. Another topic discussed by the second speaker, Danu Pratama Lesmana, who is a Regional Secretary 2 of the Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association, was Organizational Literacy. “Organization is a second home to come home in the midst of our burnout. We must not be shy about learning to organize, especially if you are the first generation. So, we must know and realize that somehow the IKM FK Unpas is still new and we shouldn’t be ashamed to learn. That’s the most important, “said Danu in the middle of his presentation. The third speaker, FK Unpas lecturer, Desyani Aviciena, gave a different session from the previous two speaker sessions. This session is a talkshow session. Several students asked questions regarding the topic brought by the third speaker, namely How to Become a Great Leader. “Being a leader is like being a friend. It is not him who is always on top or he is the one who only orders from behind, ”he concluded in answering one of the student questions.

Students do not fully listen to the webinar material, but there is one entertainment agenda in the form of recording video performances. Several FK Unpas students, namely Dimas, Malik, Dian, and Ezza, delivered a song that resonated the ears of the participants and webinar speakers. This webinar was quite enthusiastic for the participants because they were actively asking questions.

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