Graduate profile

The profile of Unpas Medical Faculty graduates is a Doctor who is a Practitioner/Clinicist, Educator, Researcher, agent of change and social development by empowering the community and has a character that has the value of SHARE, namely Someah (friendly), Akhlakul karimah (belief in God Almighty, noble character), Handap asor (respect, tolerance), Asih-asah-asuh (full of empathy, sympathy, and based on evidence based), Motekar (creative, entrepreneurial spirit that is able to face risks and be able to make decisions). Doctors who graduated from FK Unpas are doctors who always uphold 3 Sundanese cultural values ​​according to the pillars of the University, namely: luhung elmuna (becoming a human learner who finds the value of truth by thinking rationally and being open to criticism), religious adherents (carrying out his duties and functions of life literally that life is worship to Allah SWT), jembar Budaya (having and practicing a friendly, tolerant, open spirit and always implementing the values ​​of penance, compassion, parenting in thinking, being fair, honest, working hard and contributing to the preservation of Sundanese culture).