FK Unpas Lecturer Shares How to Prevent Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis

FK Unpas Lecturer Shares How to Prevent Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis

BANDUNG, – Pasundan Hospital participates in maintaining the health of the people of Greater Bandung and West Java. One of them is by holding health seminars to prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

“This seminar on osteoporosis and osteoarthritis is aimed at older people, especially those related to bones. “There were 100 participants from Bandung and surrounding areas as well as outside Bandung who participated online,” said the Director of Pasundan Hospital, Dr. Fery Fardian M. Mkes some time ago.

The resource person for the health seminar on preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis presented by Pasundan Hospital was Orthopedic Surgeon and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Sophan Yahya Warna Souda, dr., Sp.OT., M.H.Kes.

“Diseases of the bones and joints are osteoporosis, which is brittle bones and osteoporosis, which is a type of arthritis,” said Dr. Sophan.

Sophan explained that in osteoporotic bones the bone mass (Bone Mineral Density) is low and the bone microarchitecture is damaged and easily broken (fracture). When osteoporosis occurs, bone breakdown is more active than bone formation.

“Most osteoporosis affects people of advanced age. Osteoporosis causes 8.9 million fractures every year. “A fracture occurs every 3 seconds,” he explained.

How to Prevent Osteoporosis
This Orthopedic Surgeon and Traumatology Specialist at Al Islam Hospital shares how to prevent osteoporosis by using DXA (Dual energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) and peripheral densitometry. And by increasing your intake of foods containing calcium, vitamin D and exercise.

“Avoid the risk of falls or fractures, stop smoking and drinking alcohol,” he advised.

Meanwhile Dr. Sophan explained that osteoarthritis is a musculoskeletal disease caused by degeneration factors. This disease is defined as a multifactorial and complex disease.

“Osteoarthritis tends to be a slow disease which is categorized by loss of articular cartilage and inflammation. “This disease can be caused by limitations in movement and joint function, which more often attacks the knee joint,” he explained.

He said the symptoms that occur in osteoarthritis sufferers are pain when moved, swelling, stiffness after being moved and disappearing after being moved, limited movement, tenderness and crepitus.

How to Prevent Osteoarthritis
This FK Unpas lecturer also shared how to prevent osteoarthritis, namely reducing body weight, low impact exercise such as walking, swimming, cycling but don’t overdo it, using joint protection when exercising, getting enough rest, maintaining good body posture, avoiding being in the same position. over a long period of time, lifting heavy objects properly and eating lots of fruit, vegetables, omega-3, olive oil, whole grains, vitamins D, C and E.

Treatment for osteoarthritis, said Dr. Sophan, will not cure or return the anatomical pathology picture to normal. However, treatment can reduce pain in the joint, improve the function of the affected joint, reduce disability and reduce disease progression. (Rani)

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