Beware! This Disease Lurks After Eid Al-Adha

Beware! This Disease Lurks After Eid Al-Adha

BANDUNG, – During Eid al-Adha, the dishes that are often served are usually beef or goat dishes cooked with coconut milk. This dish is certainly very appetizing, but you should be careful when enjoying the dish. Because various diseases can lurk due to consuming these dishes during Eid al-Adha.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Unpas, dr. Mia Miranda, M.Kes, Sp.GK said that there are several diseases that can lurk after Eid al-Adha, including:

Hypertension; blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmhg
Hypercholesterolemia; a condition where total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels are too high
Hyperuricemia; a condition when uric acid levels in the body are very high beyond the normal threshold
Dyspepsia: upper abdominal discomfort with symptoms such as burning, bloating or fullness, nausea, or a feeling of fullness quickly
Diarrhea; defecate more frequently than usual (>3x/day), accompanied by changes in consistency
“To anticipate this disease, the method is to have a balanced diet and not consume too much meat,” said Dr. Mia.

Dr. Mia also recommends a Balanced Nutrition Pattern (PGS). This pattern is interpreted as a daily food arrangement that contains nutrients in types and amounts that are in accordance with the body’s needs.

“PGS pays attention to 4 principles, namely getting used to eating a variety of foods, maintaining a clean lifestyle, the importance of an active lifestyle and exercise, and monitoring body weight,” he explained.

Tips for Consuming Qurban Meat
In addition, there are several tips for consuming qurban meat from Dr. Mia so that the body stays healthy after Eid al-Adha:

Know your body’s needs
Don’t overdo red meat consumption
Choose the part of the meat that will be consumed. Try to eat meat that is not too high in fat and minimize offal.
Cooking meat is chosen in a healthier way by boiling or grilling.
Increase fruits and vegetables when consuming meat. So that it can minimize the absorption of cholesterol and fat consumed. This will make digestion healthier.
Reduce salt in meat processing
Reduce fat (coconut milk/margarine) in meat processing
Drinking water should be according to daily water needs. (Rani)

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