Competence of graduates

In order to form the desired graduate profile, there are areas of competence related to doctors, namely:

  1. Areas of noble professional competence: Ability to carry out professional medical practice in accordance with divine values ​​and principles, noble morals, ethics, discipline, law, socio-culture and religion in local, regional and global contexts in managing individual, family health problems , community and society.
  2. Areas of competence for introspection and self-development: The ability to practice medicine by self-reflection, realizing limitations, overcoming personal problems, and increasing knowledge on an ongoing basis, as well as producing innovative work in order to solve individual, family, community and community health problems for patient safety.
  3. Areas of competence in effective communication: The ability to build relationships, seek information, receive and exchange information, negotiate and persuade verbally and non-verbally; demonstrate empathy for patients, family members, communities and colleagues, in a setting of local and regional cultural diversity.
  4. Information and communication technology literacy competency areas: The ability to find, evaluate, use, disseminate and produce materials using information and communication technology effectively for professional, scientific development and improving the quality of health services
  5. Areas of scientific literacy competence: The capacity to utilize scientific knowledge in order to make changes to medical and health phenomena through medical actions and health interventions on individuals, families, communities and society for human welfare and safety, as well as scientific advances in the field of medicine and health that pay attention to studies inter/multidisciplinary, innovative and tested.
  6. Areas of competence of clinical skills: The ability to perform clinical procedures related to health problems by applying the principles of patient safety, personal safety, and the safety of others.
  7. Areas of competence in the management of health problems and resource management: The ability to manage individual, family, community and community health problems in a comprehensive, holistic, integrated and sustainable manner using resources effectively in the context of primary health care.
  8. Areas of competence for collaboration and cooperation: Ability to collaborate and cooperate with professional colleagues, health interprofessionals and other professions in the management of health problems by applying values, ethics, roles and responsibilities, managing problems effectively and the ability to develop health management based on various studies on the development of cooperation and collaboration.
  9. Areas of competence for patient safety and quality of health services: Able to apply the principles of patient safety and the principles of efforts to improve the quality of health services for individuals, families, communities and society.

The additional competencies are related to institutional excellence, namely:

  1. Empowerment: able to become agents of change and social development by empowering the community in order to improve the health status of the community
  2. Instilling Islamic Values: having faith in God and being able to become an Islamic doctor who applies Islamic values ​​in medical practice
  3. Instilling Sundanese Values: always upholding 3 Sundanese cultural values ​​according to the pillars of the University, namely luhung elmuna (becoming a human learner who discovers the value of truth by thinking rationally and open to criticism), religious adherents (carrying out his duties and functions of life literally that life is worship to Allah SWT), Jembar Budaya (having and practicing a friendly, tolerant, open spirit and always implementing the values ​​of penance, compassion, parenting in thinking, being fair, honest, working hard and contributing to the preservation of Sundanese culture).